Product Lead

  • Led product strategy and design of company's first iOS & Android app. 

  • 1M organic app downloads and over $1M in ARR in the first 12 months..

  • Led feature redesigns responsible for +90% increase in monthly and weekly active users.  

Independent Consultant
Product Designer

  • Clients include Twitter, Adobe, Fitbit, Cisco, Google, Kodak, Stanford, Harvard.

  • Facilitated Design Sprints with product teams to help align strategy and test new ideas.

  • Hired, trained and managed 3 employees.

  • Over $3M in profit.

Product Designer

  • Designed three of the four core features for Inbox by Gmail on Android, iOS & web.  

  • Designed scheduling software for small businesses. 

Product Designer

  • Co-founded a startup and helped raised a seed round. 

  • Designed software used by hundreds of small business owners and their customers.

  • Acquired by Google.


Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA — BFA, Art & Design, Graphic Design Emphasis

Product Designer

  • Co-founded a startup and helped raised a seed round. 

  • Designed software used by hundreds of small business owners and their customers.

  • Acquired by Google.